Sunday, April 30, 2006


I'm a big All My Children fan. I admit it. And I'm proud of it. I Tivo every episode. I even subscribe to Soap Opera Digest.

(What other television medium gives you five new episodes a week with no repeats? Does tv watching get any better than that?)

My Mom's been watching AMC since day one, and I've been watching it ever since I can remember right along with her. We still watch it together. It's lovely to escape the drama of my everyday life into the drama of others' lives. The characters are like old friends. I pride myself on knowing who's related to who and being able to remember most of Erica's marriages. I say this tongue in cheek because I'm the first one to laugh at myself about being a fan. AMC just happens to be one of my only vices. Well, that and Diet Coke. Anyway...

Recently it was suggested to me that maybe I like, feed off of, or God forbid, enjoy the drama of my own life. Like a soap opera update, there are people in my life that want to know the latest drama that's happened to me. I fill them in, and take advantage of venting and a little free therapy. But do I enjoy the drama? I don't really think so. I very much want to have a normal, happy but boring, undramatic life. How do I let it go? I know I'm carrying around alot of anger still. But I feel for the time being, it's justified.

How do I not let it get to me? I'd love to leave the drama to the wonderful writers and actors of All My Children.

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