Friday, August 04, 2006

The fight

Lots of things were inflicted on me and my marriage by Nemo while I was pregnant two years ago. I think that I've touched on most of them at this point. I've really tried to get some of this stuff out of my head and out onto the internet, but it has occurred to me that I've forgotten one significant incident.

It was an early morning in November, 2004. I was approximately thirty-six weeks pregnant. It was a few days after the voting incident and our anniversary, but before my meltdown.

I was up early. I had an appointment for an ultrasound and an NST at the hospital to check on the baby. At this point, Nemo had not been sleeping at home, and was only coming home after work for a couple of hours before he left again for the night.

So I was getting my coat on, waddling to the door, when the door opened and Nemo came in. I nearly jumped out of my skin. He looked like he had been run over by a truck. There were bruises on his face under his right eye and he couldn't move his arm.

I asked him what had happened, and here's what he said. (keep in mind that although I knew about his "former" relationship with Elvira, he had sworn to me that it was over, and that he had been spending the nights with his brother or cousin because he was so unhappy.) He said - I was at B's house (a friend who had been arrested a few years back for dealing drugs) playing cards. A guy came to the door, and wanted to see B's sister. Nemo, because he was such a chivalrous, gallant man, intervened, and the guy ended up beating Nemo up.

The story had holes from the beginning, but I had no idea what to make of it. I got mad at him, and asked why on earth he was defending B's sister when his wife was home alone, scared, and very pregnant? Then, I left. Because the most important thing in my life was my baby and I didn't want to be late for my appointment.

Nemo headed to the ER (different, closer hospital than the one where I was heading), where they told him that he'd need physical therapy for his dislocated shoulder.

On the way to my appointment, Nemo's mother called me three times. I didn't answer any of her calls - I didn't know what to say to her. I spent the rest of the day in denial hiding out at my parents' house letting them give me the attention my very pregnant body and mind needed.

The worst part about it was that Nemo wanted me to lie for him. And although I never did, for a long time I didn't tell the truth either. He wanted me to say that he fell down our stairs in the middle of the night. I laughed out loud typing that just now, but at the time, it upset me greatly. I mean, he wasn't even sleeping at my house anymore, let alone walking down my stairway in the dark in the middle of the night.

After Lucian was born (and his face was still bruised), he started joking around to people that I had pushed him down the stairs. The first few times, I let it go, but I finally told him that if he didn't stop with that hideous lie, I was going to tell his family the truth about his fight.

In December when I was trying to convince Nemo's parents that Nemo had left me (because they didn't believe that their son was capable of doing anything so horribly cruel) I told them about the fight. Nemo's dad, Jabba, said - I knew that he didn't fall down the stairs. I never believed that story.

The kicker of the story is that there was a police report filed. Nemo later denied its existence too, but it was laying around our home office for awhile, and I committed some of it to memory. Later, when I found out Elvira's name and address, I was able to find some information on the internet that she had requested a personal protection order against the same man who was in the fight with Nemo. Coincidentally, it was on the same date. I'm not a rocket scientist, but I can put two and two together.

During all this time, I believed with my heart and soul that Nemo was mentally ill. He was my family and I was prepared to stand by him. I still think that Nemo is mentally ill in some way. I just think that in addition, he's evil.

I'm so glad that the evil is out of my life. I wish he was out of Lucian's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy crap Stella, that guy is warped..... I'm so very happy that you and Lucian have each other, and it's more than likely just a matter of time before he's out of Lucian's life altogether, I pray that one day he's gone for good.