Wednesday, October 11, 2006

No news

I haven't posted in a few days because I feel like I have nothing (interesting) to say. I can't seem to wrap my mind around one thing that I'd like to write about. At least about things happening in the present.

There are past events that I'd like to write about, but I'm not in the right mental frame of mind to do it just now.

So here's a brief update what's been happening this week:

Lucian is doing well. He can now repeat the alphabet letter for letter, and is really working hard at trying new words.

Nemo is being his usual (insert expletive here) self. He's so inappropriate at times, it drives me crazy. He e-mailed a picture of Lucian to me, writing - doesn't it look like he's about to do something bad? Maybe I just take offense at everything he says and does, but really, are any two year olds bad? The picture was of Lucian smiling in his car seat.

I've been having a difficult time with my blood sugars again. I'm going to the endocrinologist next week. Maybe he can snap me back into where I need to be.

The weather is becoming increasingly dreary. Today has a nap written all over it. I think the weather may be a factor in my somewhat sour mood.

Here's to tomorrow being a more focused day!

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