Thursday, April 13, 2006

Easter Bunny

My Mom and I took Lucian to see the Easter Bunny today. It went better than I expected. Lucian is now at the age where he is afraid of strangers, disgruntled by the camera and fidgety. (we had a difficult time with Santa too.) Lucian had brought along a toy car, and I let him hold it during the photo shoot hoping it would calm him.

We went to view the photos afterward. The man who showed me the photos was trying to be very kind, but unknowingly said to Lucian - does your daddy have a car like that?

My stomach dropped. My Mom said a quiet - no he doesn't, and then took Lucian away in the stroller while I finished my order.

I held my own. But it was hard. This man of course has no idea about my situation. I wanted to shout - I'd love for my son to have a father! One that he could count on, who would love Lucian for himself, and who I could trust to be kind to my child. Even though Nemo is in our lives, we don't have that. I'm going to have to learn how to deal with these types of exchanges, because it's going to come up again. And I don't want to react poorly.

I paid for my photos and left. I caught up to my Mom and Lucian, and lost myself in the good things I do have in my life.

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