Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Meeting at the mall

After many e-mails, Nemo and I agreed that we would meet at the mall for his Saturday visit. I would put Lucian down for his afternoon nap early, and we'd meet at 2:00. Sounds simple, right?

At 1:35, Nemo called and said that he was still at work and would be for another hour, and what did I want to do? Normally, I would have cancelled the whole thing but I needed to get some things at the mall. So I agreed we would meet at 3:00 instead.

I let Lucian sleep until 2:15, and I was happy about that. (more sleep = easier child) At 2:50, we were just outside the mall when Nemo called again. He wouldn't be there until 3:30. Already there, I said that we would be there then.

Lucian and I did a bit of shopping, and then scoped out the play area. I then figured that I better go to the bathroom because I might not get a chance if Nemo was even later and Lucian was playing. I decide to use a bathroom in a store that I never go in. As I'm walking, who do I see? Nemo's dad and grandmother. What are the chances that they would be in the same store that I was in? They saw me, and I didn't have a chance to escape.

Jabba and Sophia talked to me briefly. They didn't mention Nemo and I thought that maybe they didn't even know that Lucian and I were supposed to be meeting him. They left, and then I took Lucian with me to the bathroom. It was a very tight squeeze with his stroller, and a huge inconvenience. I later thought - this is how much these people drive me crazy: I'd rather take Lucian with me than leave him with them for two minutes. (by the way, I haven't gone into tons of detail about the craziness of my ex-in-laws, but believe me when I say they're crazy.)

Lucian and I then went to the play area. As I'm watching him run around, I feel a presence behind me: Jabba and Sophia behind me. Are they stalking me? This time they tell me that Nemo is on his way.

Nemo finally arrives at 3:45. He claimed that he didn't know that his father and grandmother were going to be there. (lie?) It felt like a set-up to me, and it made me very uncomfortable.

I was annoyed for so many reasons that afternoon. I've learned for next time, if he's going to be late, we cancel the whole thing.

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