Saturday, July 15, 2006

Working through the affair

I have the highest amount of respect for women who stay with their husbands after he's cheated (or vice versa). When I first learned of Nemo's affair, I considered staying too.

One of my initial reactions was that having the truth out in the open meant that we could deal with it. I thought that maybe we could get some professional help. I thought that our marriage was worth fighting for.

Pregnancy clouded my judgment. Looking back, I'd like to hit my October 2004 self over the head with a brick. That girl felt that nothing was going to ruin her happy ending. She thought that things could be fixed. She lived in a dream world.

What ended up happening was that I put the affair on the back burner because the baby was coming. The pan was boiling over on the stove, but I refused to see it. I had visions of marriage counseling, of Nemo and I being able to work things out.

I wrote him a list of my demands. It wasn't until after Lucian was born that I realized that he wasn't adhering to a single one of them, and had no intention of doing things like coming home directly after work, answering the phone when I called, or changing his cell phone number. I took our marriage seriously. He wanted to have his wife on paper, and his floozy on the side.

I once heard that Bill and Hillary Clinton went to daily marriage counseling when they were in the middle of his infidelity. At the time, I couldn't understand how she stayed with him. I realized though, when I went through a similar situation, that the difference was that her husband was willing to fight for their marriage. He made a huge mistake, admitted to it, and was willing to earn her trust back by jumping through all the hoops she needed.

In contrast, my husband made a huge mistake, denied it, admitted it, denied it, kept making the huge mistake, and made me feel like it was my fault.

I was the only one willing to fight for our marriage. And that's no marriage at all.


Anonymous said...

What a brave post. I do think that you are right that it take two people who are serious about a marriage to make it work.

It could be this whole idea of a list of demands that your husband is rebelling against.

Have you two been to couseling at all?

Anonymous said...

Nevermind about the counseling.

I read you profile after my original comment, and now see you are working through some things.

I am glad to stumble upon your blog from Kerri's site.

All the best,

stella said...

Hi Johnboy,

I tried to get my husband to go to counseling with me. I asked until I was blue in the face. He wouldn't go. So I decided to go myself, and it's been one of the best things I've done.

Nemo was rebelling before the list of demands anyway. My demands were quite simple, mostly just wanting him to rejoin our lives.

Thanks for commenting.


Anonymous said...

Oh so very true, one will never win...