Monday, October 02, 2006

I still don't know which part was the lie

This morning I e-mailed Nemo to find out how contagious his disease is today.

Surprisingly (and I mean this in an ironic way), he is still sick today. Sicker, in fact, than yesterday. Today he has the sores and is ill. And he cancelled his parenting time. Thankfully.

He said that he'd be iffy for the remainder of the week. Especially for Lucian's swim class, because he doesn't want to get in the water if he still has the sores. Hello, wasn't that what I was saying to him yesterday? When he told me how much better he was doing?

I don't want this blog to become the look-what-Nemo-has-done-now show, so I'm going to try and keep these ridiculous exchanges to a minimum. I've realized by the new tags that I'm using, that way too many of my posts are about Nemo and that's not what I want this blog to be about. I really want it to be about how I'm putting my life back together, with explanations of what happened in the past.

I'm going to try to do it anyway.

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